About the STAA

(Sound & Telecommunications Association Austral­asia Inc.)

The STAA is the National body of the Australian Historic Telephone Society Inc. (AHTS), Western Australian Historic Telephone Society Inc. (WAHTS), The Australasian Telephone Collectors Society Inc. (ATCS), Australasian Telephone Collectors Society Qld. Inc. and the South Australian Telephone Collectors Society Inc. (SATCS) who participated, in 2016, in the survey for the name of the national body. The name of the national body will be Sound & Telecommunications Association Austral­asia Incorporated or STAA Inc.

The role of the new national body is to provide ser­vices to the member associations such as insurance, publications (journals or newsletters), distribution, etc. It will rep­resent the member associations in public and policy discussions and act as a focus and contact point for member associations. It is envisaged it will have an administrative role and set a code of conduct but most importantly it will not be involved in the gover­nance of member associations.

The STAA is a work in progress and, now that a draft consti­tution has been approved, the association has been registered under ASIC as Sound & Telecommunications Association Australasia Incorporated, which shortens to STAA Inc [Australian Registered Body Number 634 476 350, Incorporation Number A43830  (SA)].

Mail address:
Sound & Telecommunications Association Australasia Inc.
PO Box 152 Kent Town South Australia 5071